Thrive in Christ together.

Fellowship is ESSENTIAL for following Jesus! Join a Small Group and be in fellowship with us!

Small Groups at Trinity have two semesters: Fall (September – November) & Winter / Spring (January – May). Take a look at the options below & find your group! There are groups for every age: children, youth, & adults. Reach out to the leaders listed under “contact” to learn more. If you have trouble getting in touch or you have questions, contact the Church Office! 

Church Contact: | 570-275-1255

Life.  Faith.  Action.

Most of our Small Groups meet for a Fall Semester & a Winter/Spring Semester, with breaks over the holidays & the summer.
Learn more about groups below!


Interested in leading a Small Group?  Already leading one?  Click here.


Our Discipleship Team oversees this ministry. Please reach out to them with any questions or concerns you may have!

Team: Kylie Romeo (, Andy Koch (, and Dave Long (


Young Families Small Group:

Share life, grow faith, and live it out together with other couples and families as they move through similar seasons.  This semester, we’ll continue working through the "Love & War" series on marriage by John & Staci Eldredge.

NOTE: For Kids during the Small Group Hour, we have ActivateKidz Small Groups for Pre-K & School-Agers downstairs on the same level as the parents, so kids can enjoy small groups at the same time as their parents! (See more info on kids' groups below)

Target Group: Younger adults 20s-30s & those raising younger families

Time & Place: Sundays at 9:15am (Small Group Hour) downstairs in the ActivateKidz Room (Room 13)

Contact: Pastor David, 

The Next Chapter Small Group:

The former “Empty Nesters” Small Group will be kicking off our Fall season with a Pot Luck Dinner on September 19th. We have recently changed our name to “The Next Chapter.”
Anyone who is interested in participating as a member of the group, or just curious about how our group spends our time together is more than welcome to join in the fun and fellowship at 6 pm, Thursday, September 19th!
Regular meetings will follow each Thursday in the church parlor starting at 6:30 pm, September 26th through Thursday, November 21st!
Our study focus will evolve around the video series called the Chosen with an emphasis on what it means to be a disciple in our world today!
Please come and be blessed as all of us together take hold of the opportunity to grow in our relationship with Jesus and one another!
Hope to see you Thursday the 19th for the kick-off to what promises to be a great fall season of growth!!! 

Target Group: Adults / parents in or around the "empty nest" season of life

Time & Place: Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Church Parlor

Contact: Carvel & Karen May,

Young at Heart:

Adults of different ages meeting to study God’s Word & support each other in our faith walk. One of our three historic Sunday School classes.

Target Group: 50s & up, but open to all

Time & Place: Sundays at 9:15am (Small Group Hour) downstairs in Room 17 *This group meets year-round

Contact: Judy McCormick,


Connect with adults of different ages, and be encouraged to take your next step of faith as we study the Bible and explore topics related to faith & life.

Target Group: Adults, any age

Time & Place: Sundays at 9:15am (Small Group Hour) downstairs in Room 15 *This group meets year-round

Contact: Diane Long, 

Lost & Found:

A group of older adults uniting in love & harmony to study more of God’s Word so we can become “fishers of men.” One of our three historic Sunday School classes.

Target Group: 60s & up, but open to all

Time & Place: Sundays at 9:15am (Small Group Hour) downstairs in Room 20 *This group meets year-round

Contact: Verna Everett,

Living Stones:

The mission for this group is to be living stones – discovering and embracing God’s love and purpose for our lives and seeking to grow in our faith and help build God’s Kingdom here on earth.  Our current study is “Forward” by Dr. David Jeremiah which focuses on seeking God’s presence and discerning His purpose and dreams for our lives – and then taking steps to put them into action.  In addition to Bible study, this group seeks to build fellowship and a framework for its members to grow together in faith.  Our first project group members are taking on together is participating in a food packing event in late October which supports the Kids Around the World Ministry.

Target Group: Adults/Mixed Ages 

Time & Place: Tuesdays at 7pm at member’s homes (Reach out to Heather for locations!)

Contact: Heather Keller,

Wild at Heart:

This group is for young men seeking to build an authentic, honest fellowship of like-minded brothers in Christ, seeking the heart of God for our lives.  

Target Group: Men 20s-40s, but open to any men looking for connection

Time & Place: Mondays at 7pm in the Church Parlor

Contact: Andy Koch,

              Nate Johnson,

              David Gunther, 

3-2-1 Men:

This group is for men seeking to build fellowship in the Word & live it out.  Our study will focus on walking through the foundations of the Gospel through the Bible - this group will especially help those new or returning to the Faith, but will help you grow as a follower of Christ no matter where you are in your walk.  

Target Group: Core group is men 20s-30s, but open to any men looking for connection 

Time & Place: Wednesdays at 7pm in the Church Parlor

Contact: David Layser,

              Nathan Zeek,

Gen X Women:

Worn out from caring for your parents, for your kids? You were known as mom, wife, daughter but who does God say you are? Find a life worth living. Let this class be a reminder of the strength and insight that God has given to us as women to be used by him in amazing ways. Use this group to help you build your relationship with Jesus Christ, grow in your faith, and connect with other women navigating this new chapter of life.

Target Group: Women 50's to 60's "ish"

Time and Place: Mondays at 6pm in the church room 20

Contact: Tammy Seybert,

             Kathy Myers,


Grace-Fueled Women:

This small is for young women looking for their tribe! They strive to love and encourage one another as they follow Jesus and build strong, Christ-centered relationships. During this Fall Semester, they will be reading and studying “Lies Women Believe” by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. 

Target Group: Women 20s-30s, but open to other ages who want to connect with this generation of women

Time & Place: This group meets weekly, Thursday at 7:00pm. The location changes between a handful of homes so make sure to reach out to the leaders and ask for a schedule!

Contact: Kelly Zeek,

              Kylie Romeo,


Purpose-Driven Women:

The purpose of this group is be a helpful place for women looking to find fellowship and refresh their walk with God! 

Target Group: Women of all ages

Time & Place: Tuesdays at 6pm in the Church Parlor

Contact: PJ Taylor, 

Marilyn Koch, 


Click Here to learn more about Trinity Youth


Trinity Youth Jr. High:

Trinity Youth gathers on Sunday nights at 6pm for large group time with games, snacks & teaching. Then at 7pm we breakout into Small Groups based on age. 

Target Group: Teens 6th – 8th Grade

Time & Place: Sundays at 7pm (2nd half of Youth Gathering) in the Fellowship Hall *This group meets all School-Year

Contact: Emily Layser & Devon Haag,


Trinity Youth Sr. High:

Trinity Youth gathers on Sunday nights at 6pm for large group time with games, snacks & teaching. Then at 7pm we breakout into Small Groups based on age. 

Target Group: Teens 9th – 12th Grade *This group meets all School-Year

Time & Place: Sundays at 7pm (2nd half of Youth Gathering) in the Parlor

Contact: Emily Layser & Devon Haag,


Click Here to learn more about ActivateKidz Ministry


ActivateKidz Pre-K:

Children aren’t too young to experience fellowship in the church! We want them to learn at a young age the value of growing in Christ with other friends as they learn together, play together, & pray together. A Small Group for Pre-K children during the Sunday Small Group Hour.

Target Group: Kids ages 2-5 (Pre-K)

Time & Place: Sundays at 9:15am (Small Group Hour) downstairs in the Bumble Bee Room *This group follows the 2 Small Group Semesters

Contact: Emily Layser & Kelly Zeek,


ActivateKidz School-Age:

Kids at the school age level are increasingly experiencing pressures & challenges that adults in previous generations didn’t think about until their teen years. Kids need support as they learn to follow Christ together in this challenging world. A Small Group for school-age children during the Sunday Small Group Hour.

Target Group: Kids Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Time & Place: Sundays at 9:15am (Small Group Hour) downstairs in the School-Age Room *This group follows the 2 Small Group Semesters

Contact: Emily Layser & Kelly Zeek,



Currently, we offer nursery during the 10:30am service only, but if there is enough interest we will be able to provide nursery during the 915am Small Group hour as well.  Nursery is available all year.  Reach out to our director of Children & Youth Ministries for more info

Our nursery staffed by a paid Trinity Learning Center staff member & volunteers. All staff & volunteers working with children at Trinity Church have their required clearances & Safe Sanctuaries training. 


Trinity has other opportunities for fellowship besides Small Groups, checkout the options below:


Quilters' Ministry:

Create new or finish heirloom quilts as we fellowship. All proceeds benefit the church.

Target Group: All ages interested in quilting

Time & Place: Tuesdays at 8:30am downstairs in the Quilter Room

Contact: Betty Ann Huber, Martha Kitchen,


Prayer Groups:

Gather to pray for our Church family, ministries, community & one another.

Target Group: All ages interested in praying together

Time & Place: Wednesdays at 6pm in the Church Sanctuary & Fridays at 10am in the Church Parlor

Contact: Reenie Miller,

Sandy Hess,


Dinner Club:

Get to know your Church Family, everyone is welcome to join us for dinner at local restaurants each month.

Target Group: All ages

Time & Place: 2nd Saturday evening of the month, sign up to be notified of which restaurant we're attending

Contact: Dot Welliver,


Women's Breakfast Bunch:

All women invited for food, fellowship & prayer!

Target Group: Women of all ages

Time & Place: 2nd Saturday of the month, meet in Church Parking Lot at 8:30am & attend various local restaurants

Contact: Barb Barron,


Warriors for Christ (Christian Martial Arts):

We host this outside ministry focused on physical, mental & spiritual training in a Christian-based martial arts program (This is a paid program led by trained teachers)

Target Group: Ages 5 & up, classes for kids & adults, learn as a whole family

Time & Place: Mondays & Thursdays, 6pm Kids/Beginners, 7:15pm Adults in the Church Fellowship Hall

Contact: Shane Holland,


Ping Pong Group:

An outside group of Geisinger staff have used our Gym for weekly ping pong nights for years, they are always open to new visitors of all skill levels! This is a fun night for adults & youth, visit any time.

Target Group: All Ages interested in playing Ping Pong

Time & Place: Tuesdays at 7pm in the Church Fellowship Hall

Contact: Church Office, 


Want to go deeper? Consider starting a Discipleship Band, a group of 3-5 focused simply on accountability & prayer.

What is a Discipleship Band?

Rooted in the early Methodist revival, Discipleship Bands are a historic, transformative, yet simple way to grow as followers of Christ through intentional, in-depth connection with a few other Christians. It works like this:

  • 3-5 believers (of the same gender) choose to form a band. Discipleship Bands are meant for committed, growing Christians who are ready to interact in a mature and trusting way. It’s important that everyone involved is there with a desire to engage this process. You can choose your own group, or we can help you connect with others who are looking for a group.
  • Pick a regular time (preferably once a week) to connect via phone / video call (or in-person when the restrictions are lifted)
  • Take 45 minutes to an hour to connect with the same easy format each week (no prep required): 5 voluntary questions (not everyone has to answer every question every week) designed to help you reflect on how God is working in your life and where you need His healing and forgiveness, as well as a time to pray for one another with what is happening in your week.

Visit the website below to download the free PDF guide or watch the video series:
