In John 15, Jesus says to his disciples, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing…This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
In these challenging days where the future often feels unclear, our yearning is to walk faithfully and courageously towards the abundant life God has for us in Christ. We don’t want to merely “survive,” we want to Thrive—as individuals, as families, as a church.
Thriving in Christ means growing to become more like Jesus by being immersed in the presence of God, the Word of God, the People of God, and in the Mission of God.
Check out a deeper explanation of our Vision here: Thriving in Christ
This is not an instant process. We're all a work in progress under God's grace. We need practical, everyday steps to help us abide in Christ so we can thrive in Christ.
Click here to learn more about our Discipleship Path.
Core Values are meant to be like guard rails or road markings for a community: as we navigate the journey of this vision God has for us, Core Values remind us who we are—and who we want to become—so that the ways we pursue the vision are faithful to God and to our church’s unique story.
The Bible is the inspired word of God: this book of Holy Scripture is exactly what God wanted us to have to guide is us life, in truth, and into the very presence of Christ. We are a people of “One Book” as famously John Wesley said, living under the Word’s authority.
We want to live in the fullness of God’s presence with a Trinitarian vision of life: to know and be known by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in our journey of life and faith.
There is no discipleship without relationship. As people created in the image of a Triune God, we long to know and be known, to love and be loved. Transformative discipleship is at its best when Christians genuinely share life together.
As a relational, biblical community of faith, we believe the church is called to serve all generations. Rather than create “silos” of isolated ministries to each age group, we want these ministries to thrive by working together as one church, even as we try to meet the unique needs of different ages.
In a society that has largely lost the art of hospitality, we are called to welcome the neighbor and the stranger. What we need is not to become friendlier, but to be a friend. “Hospital” is based on the same root word as hospitality: radical hospitality means we are to be a house of healing for all who enter.
Thriving discipleship is not a single lightning-strike of transformation. It is a lifelong journey with a unique story of grace being told in each person’s life. While everyone is called to this beautiful, transformative journey with our holy God, not everyone is at the same place along the way. We balance a sense of Kingdom urgency with a humble awareness of the human journey.
As a church with a 150-year history in the community of Danville, we poise ourselves for a thriving future by remembering and honoring the rich legacy of faith which has brought us to this point. We celebrate Godly traditions as well as Godly innovations.